Firelight Designs' Exciting News

After nearly two years of evolution of mind and spirit, I have made a big move to a new home, and I have taken Firelight Designs with me!

Gone is the log home on an island in the San Juan Islands, and the studio which saw many students attend classes, and many creative moments. I sailed on the Guemes ferry for the last time on August 4, 2022 with a very packed car. My cat, Pika, and I picked up a friend along the way and arrived in Wisconsin four days later! (Most of you know I'm a Type “A”)

One lone autumn tree in a sea of green in Wisconsin

I landed in Green Bay, home of the Packers! In a brand new apartment next to a river, next to a walking trail, much like Guemes island. The wildlife is amazing. There is no other word to describe the eagles, sandhill cranes, ducks, geese, owls, muskrats, and bunnies which awe me each day. Did you know cranes can be very noisy?

I'm totally unpacked and settled in, meeting new people, enjoying being close to family, and finding my way around thanks to Google Maps, though missing the mountains and ocean to tell me if I'm going north, south, east or west.

Big changes are coming in 2023 for Firelight Designs. I am beginning a Certified Creative Coaching class which will finish up in the Spring. I plan on hosting online as well as in person classes offering an entirely different type of creative experience. Check back for more information!

In the meantime, know that I miss you all and look forward to new adventures along the journey that is life.


Devon LeBoutillier

I have over 5 years of graphic and web design experience, as well as over 20 years of experience as a fine artist. My passion and artistic talents allow me to create unique and creative designs that stand out from the competition. I enjoy creating meaningful design solutions and experiences for fellow creatives, brands, organizations, and small businesses.

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Taking Photos is Good for all Artists!